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Tuesday 17 January 2017

Dr Kelly Nwogu and his LSI livelihood support initiative paid courtesy visit to Emir of Bida

On the 13th of January 2017, Dr Kelly Nwogu and his Livelihood support initiative (LSI) team paid courtesy visit to the Emir of Bida HRH ALH. DR Yahaya Abubakar , in Niger State and to also ignite the raising of 100 Billion Naira for people living with special ability in the state.

The entire Bida community came out in masses to welcome Dr Kelly Nwogu and his LSI team into the state during their visit to the state Dr Kelly Nwogu and his LSI team visited the abandoned facilities set aside for the person living with special ability and the condition in which Dr Kelly Nwogu and his LSI team met the facility was not in good shape, so Dr Kelly Nwogu through Livelihood support initiative promised to reinstate the condition of the facility and also provide for the persons living with special ability with social amenities and empower them with equipment such as Braille machines, GSM tool kits, Hair dryers, Barbing clippers, Sewing machines, Mattresses, Treated Mosquito nets, Grinding Machines, Vulcanizing machines, Carpentry equipment and to also support with cash.

The gesture displayed by Dr Kelly Nwogu to the people living with special ability made them feel more special one of them stated that
“He ate with us shaked us and even did things most people of his criteria wouldn’t”.TheEmir and the people of Bida thanked Dr Kelly Nwogu and his LSI team for their generosity and the Emir also stated that if there are more people and initiatives like Dr Kelly Nwogu and his team, Nigeria would be more conducive for us all.

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