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Tuesday 16 October 2018

Donald Duke, Atiku, Dankwambo, Saraki, react to Boko Haram's execution of aide worker, Leman Hauwa

Yesterday, the sad news of the execution of an aide worker, Leman Hauwa by Boko Haram members, broke online.

Leman alongside two of her colleagues, Safiru Khorsa and Alice Loksha , were abducted by the sect members in March this year. On September 16th, the sect members executed Saifura Khorsa.

According to reports, Leman was forced to kneel down, with her hands tied inside a white hijab which has a crest symbol, and then shot at a close range. The sect members had accused the Federal government of failing to fulfill its own end of the bargain for the release of Leman by releasing some of its members in the Federal government's custody.

PDP presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar, Donald Duke, Governor Dankwambo, Bukola Saraki and many others have taken to social media to react to the sad news. See their reactions below.

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