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Friday, 19 October 2018

Kendall Jenner's stalker 're-arrested a day after he's released from custody'

Kendall Jenner
A man accused of stalking Kendall Jenner has been re-arrested a day after his released from custody based on a development in the investigation.

The accused stalker, a native of Canada named John Ford, was arrested Tuesday while he was trespassing on the property of the reality star, as he was on her porch after breaking into the gated community where the 22-year-old model resides, TMZ reported.

To access the exclusive property, Ford, 37, had to scale the side of a mountain adjacent to the property, the outlet reported. 
Authorities put him on a 5150 psychiatric hold, at which point - due to his lack of insurance - he was transported to Los Angeles County Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, the outlet reported.
Ford was determined to be stable mentally by a psychiatrist, and released from the hold well short of the 72-hour maximum.
Upon his release, police arrested him Thursday in connection with criminal trespassing and violation of a restraining order, with officials setting bail at $30,000, the outlet reported.
The suspect was first arrested in September after a break-in, and pleaded guilty to a trespassing charge and issued a restraining order to remain at least 1,000 feet in distance from the property.
Mr. Ford broke the restraining order and was spotted on the property twice since, with authorities forced to take him into custody the second time he was spotted on Tuesday.
According to TMZ, Ford is now slated for an arraignment and could be released on his own recognizance ahead of a potential trial.
It was also reported that Kendall's legal team, headed by Shawn Holley, is seeking to obtain a civil restraining order against Ford, which would implement additional restrictions on the proximity he could be to the gated community where Kendall lives.

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