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Tuesday 17 July 2018

Rahma Indimi shares post laden with meanings after not being able to see her kids for over 2 years following split from husband Mohammed Babangida

Rahma Indimi, one of the daughters of billionaire oil magnate Mohammed Indimi, has taken to Instagram to share a post that is laden with meanings.

The mother-of-four, who has not been allowed to see two of her kids ever since she and her husband Mohammed Babangida separated and went with two kids each, has constantly lamented about not being able to see her offsprings.

On their birthdays, she makes sure to post emotional messages that reassures them of her love, while promising that they will meet someday. The mother and her kids have been separated for more than two years.

Yesterday, she shared a quote from Prophet Mohammed directed at "whoever separates a mother from her child."

Read the post below.

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