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Friday, 3 April 2020

Nigerian man mourns his cousin who died of Coronavirus in the UK

A Nigerian man, Kola Adesina, has taken to Instagram to mourn his first cousin simply identified as Adeola, who recently died of Coronavirus in the UK.

In a post he shared on his Instagram page, Kola wrote

GONE.. I am crying, shouting and bawling.
I just lost my first cousin Dee Ola to this dreadful disease in England. . It’s hitting home more harder and harder
Going to miss you Dee... RIP

Kola in a follow-up post, pointed out that Adeola in a post he shared on Facebook 12 days ago, opined that the Coronvirus disease only affected the rich and famous.

Posting the screenshot of Adeola's Facebook post on his Instagram page, Kola wrote

LESSON# This was his last update.
He thought COVID19 only afflicted the rich and famous.
He was not rich and famous
He was a regular everyday Joe Blogg
12 short days later he was dead
So let this be a lesson to every other Joe Blogg out there.
COVID19 has neither friends nor foe
It’s much easier to learn from other people’s mistake. #stayalive#

As of Thursday April 2, UK reported a total of 33,718 coronavirus cases and 2,921 deaths linked to the virus.

Last Tuesday, a renowed Nigerian medical doctor, Alfa Saadu, also died of the disease in the UK.

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