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Thursday, 22 October 2020

Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items


Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items

Gunshots have reportedly been fired at the warehouse in Monkey Village, Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where some hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives.


Recall LIB reported earlier that the sacks in which the foodstuffs were kept in, had "Lagos state government COVID-19" inscription on it. 


Here are photos of some of the items in the sack below; 


Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items


Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items

Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items

Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items

Gunshots fired at warehouse in Maza-Maza area of Lagos State where hoodlums broke into and carted away COVID-19 palliatives; see photos of some of the items



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