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Tuesday 14 August 2018

Obasanjo, Saraki in closed-door meeting

Yesterday evening, Senate President Bukola Saraki and former president Olusegun Obasanjo, had a closed door meeting at the home of the former president in Ota, Ogun state. The meeting started at about 5.30pm and lasted for about forty five minutes.

After the meeting, Saraki who spoke with journalists, said he only came to see the former president to apologise officially for missing the commissioning of his library last year.

''You know I missed the official opening of the library and that is why I have decided to come and see the place and, honestly, it is beautiful; we are very proud of what he has done here'' he said

Unconfirmed sources however say the meeting was centered on the ongoing plot to imopeach Saraki from office as well as their common faceoff with the Buhar-led government.

Recall that the Senate President, last week, visited former military Head of State, General Ibrahim Babangida at his Hilltop Mansion, in Minna, Niger State.

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